jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

My Future

Hi again, Now I`m going to talk about how I'll be in five years more, it's a difficult answer but we can do it proyecting us in the future with a bit of imagination and a bit of ideals.
I can see me in five years more ending my carreer. After that I`m going to entry like volunteer in the fundation Servicio País in which I'm goingo to be a year helping and improving a comunity to overcome his poorness, maybe this comunity are going to be in an extreme region of the country perhaps on the north region or in the extrimily south on Aysen or the tenth region, that thing would really overjoyed me and course that I`m going to live in that comunity maybe I'm going to stay more I don't know.
After server to a comunity I would chose to do a master in another country on the world, I would prefeer France in Science Politics, maybe I will be like two years out of the country studing in that master. After that I'm going o come back to my country and well... the faces of my live will taking the way that I had do it till that point.

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