jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

About my career

For my Public Administration it's a very beautiful career principaly of service in fact I remember that the first day the director of the School told as that's was like to be a priest. In my view it's a career in which are combining interest of the goberment and the interest of the people,for example the goberment comand us to execute a work that they planified, and we must to carry out on the people. Indeed it's a very gratifying career but depends also of the goberment and the works that they comand us, this is one of the weak point of the administration, one of their vice. Another vice it's happend when a Public Administrator atributte himself a power that not correspond and furthermore abuse of that power. That two thing I dislike me. But there is the compensation to be a participative actor who play rules of decision. That's my goal, to make more justice for the people and take decision who represent their interest,conviccions and more than nothing their rights. That's why I chose it.

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