jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

My most precious posession.

Hi people how are you!
I think that I have a lot of important precious so define one of them it's a bit diffcult, anyway i'll do it.Well after reflex a couple of seconds, for me my most precious posession is an intangible thing, that's a part of my personality, I am talking about my capacity to take a problem(a big problem sometimes) divide it in pieces and resolve those little pieces one by one, but like most of those problems involve at least one o two persons, the idea of resolve theproblems not only to give a solution to that problem but mantain a good relation or at least cordial among them.
I think that's a good quality because it very usefull not only to my life but my career, this is important because it self is a sort of negotiantion cos combine the welfare, of the parts that are involved, with the best solution. For me that is my best quality and in consecuence my precious posession. That's all that I can , course that there are more things but that is the most important. Bye everyone take care!

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