jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

The best in our area

Hi again,now I've got to choose the best in my area. A very difficult work because they are so many and there are a lot of qualities and categories. In deed I asked to myself at every time who is the most important.
I've got to choose Napoleon because of the impact that he caused in our modern history and furthermore our way of living for example with the Civil Code. I think that he is the best because of his great creativity and capacity of organization,we have to remember he was who rebuild France, also he expanded the idea of the Revolution and liberty, fraternity and equality, his inteligence and his effort of own improvement that led him for example from Corcega to Egipt and form Spain to Russia in a military way course, but in his human condition since he lived in poverty in his early life, to be the head of an Empire. Unfortunately he sucumbed to his own ambition and we couldn't refuse that.
Also we have to remember that because of his invation of Spain, we are free thanks of another great person José Miguel Carrera. He wrote the first Civil Code, and restablished the order in his country, he began the works of reconstruction of numeroses city's in France and his directly influention survived to him in so much decades until our lives,for example the reforms to the University which our University it's a sing of that

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