jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Job

Hi people! on this new entry I'm going to talk about my ideal job.
It is a difficult question. I think that my ideal job would be... I like to work with people and for the people,of course that sounds like any other politician but I like to feel the contact with the people and see that my work is helping them. For example to be a mayor in some community in the south, give to the people a better life that they really deserve, furthermore because of the conditions in which they live. Another very important thing is to fight for their rights, rights that in some occasions are taken or had been cruched by big companys.
I think that to be good at this job, first of all you have to be a good administrator,and second you don't have to have goals of richness or something material.
I would be good because of my interest in the people, my sence of justice, and my self-confidence.
I think that's difficult in the way that it is a job chosen by the people. But working for the community before would be a good way of get it.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My Favorite Subject

Hi again, now I'm going to write about my favorite subject. For me, my favorite subject it's Law, I really don't know why but is my favorite. Let's start with my qualification's, at least at the moment I have had good qualifications, but indeed I like the Law inself , not to be lawyer, course but because it's so interesting and also we have to use it in our career, and in our life. Also it is so necesary to know it, because help you to know your real Rights and your Obligations, as in a critical situation as in your daily life.
I think also that's so important who teach you, In my case Miss Sonia Doren play that rule, she work's in the Contraloria General de la República as Sub Contralora. She also teach's so well. Finaly I had learn a lot of things like parts of the Civil Code, things like the buy and selling property and now we are learning things of the Penal Code.
That's all, take care, bye!

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

The best in our area

Hi again,now I've got to choose the best in my area. A very difficult work because they are so many and there are a lot of qualities and categories. In deed I asked to myself at every time who is the most important.
I've got to choose Napoleon because of the impact that he caused in our modern history and furthermore our way of living for example with the Civil Code. I think that he is the best because of his great creativity and capacity of organization,we have to remember he was who rebuild France, also he expanded the idea of the Revolution and liberty, fraternity and equality, his inteligence and his effort of own improvement that led him for example from Corcega to Egipt and form Spain to Russia in a military way course, but in his human condition since he lived in poverty in his early life, to be the head of an Empire. Unfortunately he sucumbed to his own ambition and we couldn't refuse that.
Also we have to remember that because of his invation of Spain, we are free thanks of another great person José Miguel Carrera. He wrote the first Civil Code, and restablished the order in his country, he began the works of reconstruction of numeroses city's in France and his directly influention survived to him in so much decades until our lives,for example the reforms to the University which our University it's a sing of that

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

My Future

Hi again, Now I`m going to talk about how I'll be in five years more, it's a difficult answer but we can do it proyecting us in the future with a bit of imagination and a bit of ideals.
I can see me in five years more ending my carreer. After that I`m going to entry like volunteer in the fundation Servicio País in which I'm goingo to be a year helping and improving a comunity to overcome his poorness, maybe this comunity are going to be in an extreme region of the country perhaps on the north region or in the extrimily south on Aysen or the tenth region, that thing would really overjoyed me and course that I`m going to live in that comunity maybe I'm going to stay more I don't know.
After server to a comunity I would chose to do a master in another country on the world, I would prefeer France in Science Politics, maybe I will be like two years out of the country studing in that master. After that I'm going o come back to my country and well... the faces of my live will taking the way that I had do it till that point.